We help create customized leasing solutions for your transportation equipment needs.

Today’s transportation businesses require more efficiency than ever before. Having the right equipment ensures that your operation is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. At Harbor Capital, we work with you to build your ideal, customized lease solution that accommodates your budget and gets the most value out of your equipment. Partner with Harbor Capital to acquire and maintain the material handling equipment that is required to keep your business running smoothly.

Equipment We Finance

Harbor Capital finances all things material handling – from forklifts to storage equipment, we are your partner for flexible solutions tailored to fit your needs.

  • Articulated Carriers
  • Employee Shuttles
  • Flat Bed Trailers
  • Fuel Trucks
  • Golf Carts
  • Personal Carriers
  • Railcar Movers / Trackmobiles
  • Yard Truck/Spotters
  • Tractor Trailers
  • Utility Vehicles
  • Refrigerated Trucks/Trailers
  • Box Trailers

Don’t See Your Equipment Listed?

Don’t worry. We have built lease solutions for almost every equipment type. Contact us to start talking about your customized program today.

Lease & Asset Management

Partnering with Harbor Capital gets you access to AMOS, our best-in-class Lease and Asset Management software. With AMOS, you gain visibility to all aspects of your leased assets including your entire equipment portfolio value and metrics, upcoming maturities and more.

Get a Quote for Equipment Leasing

Find out how we can help improve your business with our equipment leasing options.

Lease Structures to fit your needs

We offer a variety of lease options designed to meet the needs of your business.

Operating Lease

Designed to ensure and execute the future refresh of equipment, the contract includes a reoccurring monthly expense over the life of the lease and includes the flexibility to return, extend or purchase equipment at the end of the lease.

Capital Finance Lease

When the lessee chooses to own the equipment, the term is usually greater than 75% of the equipment’s useful life and can include an automatic transfer of title for a fixed purchase price at the end of the lease.

Skip/Deferred Payment Lease

Beneficial for those with budget constraints or unplanned purchases, step-up/deferred payment lease options are structured such that the payment may change during the term of the lease. Payment changes are stated at the beginning of the lease and agreed to by both the lessor and the lessee

  • BLOG

    Lease vs. Purchase: Key Benefits and Cost Savings

    In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining operational efficiency and financial flexibility is crucial. When acquiring material handling equipment, deciding between leasing and purchasing can significantly impact your company’s bottom line. For companies with high utilization needs, leasing offers clear advantages, especially in avoiding the hidden costs associated with ownership. The Hidden Costs of Ownership: Maintenance Burden One often-overlooked aspect of purchasing equipment is the long-term maintenance costs. High usage leads to wear and tear, which over time can result in substantial maintenance expenses. As equipment